Road Works
Duplication and truck driver rest area - road SP -255 - Arteris Viapaulista concessionaire
Deployment works for road SP-255 duplication, stretches between Jaú – Bocaina and Jaú – Barra Bonita, with a total length of 25 km, are underway since February 2021.
Honda Road Complex -Arteris Centrovias concessionaire
Deployment works for Honda Road Complex, in the city of Itirapina/SP, in the intersection of roads SP-225 “Eng. Paulo Nilo Romano” and SP-310 “Washington Luiz”, completed in March/2017.
Toll Stations and USS (User Support Services)
Construction of 10 toll stations and 3 USS bases on roads owned by ViaPaulista and Eixo-SP concessionaires.
Roads duplication
Deployment of Road SP-332 “Professor Zeferino Vaz” duplication between km 171+700 and km 175+500, in the municipality of Conchal/ SP, delivered to the concessionaire Rota das Bandeiras in December 2020.
Pavement Restoration
Road SP-461 Recovery
Road Cezário José de Castilho (SP-321) Recovery
Road Deputado Leônidas Pacheco Ferreira (SP-304) Recovery
Road Domingos Sartori (SP-254/300) Duplication
Road SP-261 Recovery
Asphaltic paving intervention on the road Anhanguenha (SP 330)
SP-255 verge access revitalization (Regeneration) on Jaú road contour
Road Eng. João Batista Cabral Renó (SP-225) duplication
Access device to the town of Brotas/SP
Road Eng. Paulo Nilo Romano (SP-225) duplication between km 156 and 173
Road Eng. Paulo Nilo Romano (SP-225) duplication between km 118 and 124
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